03 Mar 2017
In 2017 our school will begin marking student attendance electronically. This new system has procedures that must be strictly adhered to in order to ensure accurate records of student attendance are maintained. As a result, there are some changes to our current school practices.
Class attendance will be marked by the classroom teacher very first thing each morning. If for any reason a child arrives after the roll has been marked, the student will need to report to the office to have his or her attendance recorded and to receive a late slip. The child can then return to class and give the late slip to the classroom teacher.
In the event that a child needs to leave school before 3.15pm a parent or guardian will need to report to the office where a partial absence will be recorded on the child's attendance records. An early pass will then be issued and is to be given to the classroom teacher when the child is collected from the classroom.
Regular and punctual attendance at school allows your child to maximise their potential and minimises disruptions to valuable student learning time. Please ensure that your child arrives before 9.10am each day.
These changes will commence on Wednesday, 15 February, 2017.
Thank you for support in this matter.