10 Oct 2017

Fairfield Heights Public School is a large school located between Station and Camden Streets in Fairfield. Both these roadways become very busy at peak times - especially just before and after school hours.
State-wide statistics show that young people are at high risk of injury in and around school zones at peak times.
When driving in the school zone, please act in a responsible and caring manner - by doing so you will be helping to safeguard the health of our children.
All areas around schools have a 40km/h speed limit between 8:00-9:30am and 2:30-4:00pm.
The school crossing has a recommended speed of 25km/hr. Please observe all signs. Heavy fines apply for disregarding signs in school zones.
Roads become very dangerous in times of high traffic flow because visibility is affected. At all times, keep a look out for children on the road because their actions can be unpredictable.
Please observe safe driving practice by avoiding making U-turns or three-point turns.
Reversing cars are a major cause of serious injury to young ones.
Fairfield Heights Public School is in a suburban area and is amongst private residences. Please exercise courtesy and respect the rights of local residents by keeping their driveways and property entrances clear.
When setting down or picking up children, please do so only in the designated areas. Remember that it is illegal to stop in a NO STOPPING zone - even for a moment. When dropping off children, make sure that they exit the vehicle on the passenger side - which prevents them stepping into the traffic flow.
Bus zones are for buses to pick up and set down children. The size of a bus often makes it difficult to see ahead. Please drive carefully when behind a bus.
Please encourage your children to exercise great care when waking to and from school. Emphasise the need for them to STOP, LOOK, LISTEN and THINK before crossing the road. Always hold the hand of a young child when walking them close to roadways.
Remember that school car parks and driveways are for the use of school staff and must not be used as parking areas. Similarly it is very bad practice to use a driveway to make a turn or collect and drop off children.
By acting wisely and driving safely, together we can ensure the safety of other road users, our children and ourselves.